Contact Us

Frisco, TX
121 Animal Hospital

Contact Form For Frisco Location

    Today’s Date is:

    5486 Independence Pkwy. Frisco, TX 75035
    Phone: 972-335-2000

    The hospital is located close to N.W. corner of Independence and 121 in city of Frisco. Our 12,000 SQFT. facility offers you a wide variety of services.

    Office Hours:
    Mon-Fri 7:30am–6:00pm
    Sat 8:00am–1:00pm

    Allen, TX
    Alma Animal Hospital

    Contact Form For Allen Location

      Today’s Date is:

      808 S. Alma Dr. Allen, TX 75013
      Phone: 972-747-9700

      The hospital is located at the corner of Alma and Hedgcoxe in city of Allen. Our 4,200 SQFT. facility offers you a wide variety of services.

      Office Hours:
      Mon.-Fri. 7:30am–6:00pm
      Sat. 8:00am–1:00pm (BY APPOINTMENTS ONLY)

      Emergency Animal Hospital of Collin County

      Emergency Animal Hospital of Collin County

      10225 Custer Rd. Plano, TX 75025 If you are experiencing a pet emergency after our normal business hours, we would like to refer you to Emergency Animal Hospital of Collin County. Website: Phone: (214) 547-9900


      Mon–Fri 6:00pm–8:00am Sat–Sun Open 24 Hours